Renew Drivers License While Out Of Ohio State Which Address Do I Use To Renew My Drivers License?

Which address do I use to renew my drivers license? - renew drivers license while out of ohio state

I moved to California for a year and my license valid in California this year. I was planing to remake it, but I'm not sure what address should I use now. I do not have the address of CA, while I live in Oregon, for one year.
Can I transfer my license within the family and the parents' address?


Texas lady said...

Yes, you should be able, if they are in the state of renewal. The only question to see what could happen is that may require a new image, but if you renew it before it should be no problem.

Ben W said...

I would use the address in California, her parents, because other wise you might need a new license for the regular fare, you'll always be in a position to messages from VDD to the house of your parents will not necessarily in the direction of Oregon in years. Be careful, because most states require local licenses within thirty days after the move. I had a friend who have demonstrated in Phoenix, with fines, where we lived, because he does not show your student ID card for him, it was only a part-time residence. Some states impose a set of fees for licenses, so that your phone call.

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