Disability Income Protection Child Support Until 21, If There's A Order Of Protection & On Disability?

Child Support Until 21, If There's A Order Of Protection & On Disability? - disability income protection

My mother is on disability, his only income they filed a protection order against me (we go to court to see in the morning if I Get It) was not hands on and we see Sha'll.

Now I live in a homeless shelter and the money helps, I'm 19 ... I would like to receive maintenance from her, but with an interim measure until a disability and I'm not sure if I can ... Can I?

By Order of Protection?
And without them?
And disability?

Thanks for the help.


snjas1 said...

Yes, you can get child benefit, then there is an order of protection or restraint. This means that you do not "see" the others. You can pay a pension to someone you can not see. In poor condition, I know, but true. So, this order of protection do absolutely nothing to do with the indication of support.

Yes, you can help, from someone on disability. The calculation will be different, is not 17%, in New York is for a child, an adjustment for the fact that they are working not literally, but always check anything seized, and your diability. The fact that you will make a difference on disability, which should be taken, depending on how much each gets. So yes, we can and what it has done to her.

LOTR grl said...

If you are over 18, you get nothing. If you are a full-time student, you can alimony. But I've never heard of child directly rewarded "child" is dedicated to supporting children, parents, the support of the child.

You need a job and return to school. Try to quit, the people.

Adrianna... said...

They should not, if the child is in school, and only if the child is living with his father in the custody case that it is not paying the child from other parents. if they no longer live at home while you are yourself. a job like the rest of the use and contribute to society.

"The responsibility of parents to support their children is limited to children under 21 years. In the absence of a contract express or implied, parents have no obligation to support an adult child. Custody, visitation and other purposes, is the age of majority 18, but remains, for the purposes of maintaining their parents at the age of 21. The mutual parental duty of support is not absolute. May be suspended or terminated before the child is 21 years if the child through economically self sufficient from their exempt parents through employment, marriage or entry into military service. In exceptional circumstances a child emancipated as if he / she has committed outrageous misconduct that are considered unfair orE maintenance, or for no reason, he / she withdraws from parental control and supervision ".

The last part applies to you. just because you do not want, does not mean they are worng answers. Woudnt you homeless if you have a job. How do you think everyone has a place to live?

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