Martha Stewart Cookie Cutters Is Martha Stewart Stalking Your Dog? Take The Test!?

Is Martha Stewart stalking your dog? Take the test!? - martha stewart cookie cutters

Ten ways to tell if Martha Stewart is stalking your dog:

10. There's potpourri of your dog's neck.

9. The dog's nails have been trimmed with pinking shears.

8. The dog toys are stored in pots McCoy.

7. The spoilsport scooper was set up with raffia connections.

6. This slice of lemon indicator in the new silver bowl with water.

5. You find liver and whole wheat dog is marked with copper cookie cutters and decorated with royal icing with a # 2 rosette tip.

4. Dog hair has been collected and put into wire baskets for nesting material for birds.

3. A wreath of seasonal flowers decorates the front of the vine varieties suitable shelter.

2. Your dog will be naked and comes in colors apricot hand with wool shawl sweater with matching boots.

And the first way, you know that Martha Stewart is stalking your dog ...

1. Dog feces in the garden has been carved into swans.


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