Ringworm More Pictures Ringworm For Over A Year With No Gorwth And Minor Spreading?

Ringworm for over a year with no gorwth and minor spreading? - ringworm more pictures

I have a circle in the thigh, that just looks like the picture I found on Google Image Search for ringworm. There are also three small spots on the opposite side. Although the images of the points of the game Arn't really charming. In addition, the position where the left side, it has been over a year, and frequent changes in size, but never more than a penny. The other three points that come and go and usually smaller than the others.

If it wouldnt have spread a moth, as it has existed for over a year? It does not burn, and I wouldnt know whether to see it for myself to be in the situation. I know that has spead to three on the other side not to disclose, but elsewhere in my body.

Also raised or anything. I had a sore on her arm after a certain time after the open and outering blushed. The spots on the legs are for one year and it did not.

I realized this was not a Jock itch, therefore I have the question.


Love to Smile Big said...

Keep your body clean, shower with soap and water after exercise

Not for towels. Use a clean towel, and wash towels regularly.

Make sure that the groin and thigh, before tightening completely dry.

Change underwear daily. Use a new pair every day.

Avoid wearing tight clothing, especially underwear and pants.

Apply the powder up to my thigh to keep the area dry after showering and before exercise.

bigjohn B said...

Consult a doctor. A dermatologist, the only way to know for sure.

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